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  About us

Our family produce saffron in Montefeltro (Le Marche - Italy).
Zafferano in Italian language means saffron. Montefeltro is a historical-geographic region in the Marche. It gave its name of the Montefeltro family, which ruled in the area during the Middle Age and the Renaissance.
Montefeltro covers mostly the mountain part of the Province of Pesaro and Urbino. It comprises also two municipalities of the Province of Arezzo, Tuscany, and the Republic of San Marino.
(source and map by Wikipedia).

Our farm consists of 12 hectares of land, dedicated to the cultivation of saffron, to which we devote all our energy, efforts and time.
We make non-intensive forms of agriculture.
Saffron cultivation doesn't require a large amount of land to satisfy the needs of a family farm (sustainable agriculture).

Through the site, we intend to spread the Zafferano del Montefeltro consumption in Italy and abroad.

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©2008 - Zafferano Montefeltro® p.iva 06278850968
Produzione, trasformazione e vendita diretta del rinomato Zafferano del Montefeltro®
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